2024 Camp Dates

  • Advanced Camp: June 24-28

  • Day Camp, Session 1: July 22-26

  • Day Camp, Session 2: August 12-16

Summer Camp @ AMIT

AMIT offers three sessions of summer camp: Advanced Camp (June) and two Day Camps (July and August). All camps begin at 8:00 AM and end at 4:00 PM (arrangements can be made for campers who need to come earlier or stay later).

Advanced Camp - For experienced riders (must be able to w/t/c and canter a 2' course). Instructional component includes guest speakers and clinicians. Every day we will focus on a different aspect of riding.
$400 for the week, riders will need to bring lunch Monday-Thursday. Friday we will celebrate with a pizza party.

Day Camp - For beginning riders. Learn the basics of riding and stable management, prepare for an upcoming show, and participate in a wide range of fun equine activities such as trail rides. Each week culminates in their own show on Friday, families are encouraged to come watch! Two sessions—one in July and one in August.
Each week is $400, riders will need to bring lunch Monday-Thursday. Friday we will celebrate with a pizza party.