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At the barn,

  • always check the bulletin board (in the aisle) for notices and up-to-date information on activities;

  • if you have any suggestions, questions, or problems, put a note in the box (with your name/contact info).

To reach AMIT via email:

Call: (301) 475-5434

Aerial view of the farm

Physical address:
41191 Breton Beach Road, Leonardtown MD 20650

Mailing address:
PO Box 1338, Leonardtown MD 20650

For more information about the St. Mary's College Equestrian program, Leslie Allen is the IHSA coach.


Starting on Route 5 south of Leonardtown: turn on Route 244 (Medley's Neck Road) across from the St. Mary's Fairgrounds.
(If on Fairground Road, go straight, crossing Route 5.)
Go 2 miles and turn right on Breton Beach Road. Go 1.6 miles and turn left on dirt road. Go .5 miles and turn right on driveway.